1. She could respond when we call her by names. Smiling all the way la biasenye.
2. She loves babbling in her own language.
3. She really knows how to make faces. Ni sah ikut talent mommy. For instance, whenever she's not in her mood for pictures-snapping-sessions, mmg terserlah la muke mls nk cooperate. Attitude sgt muke tu nak oii. Gigit peha KFC br tau!
4. She is definitely a daddy's girl. As much as I am hoping n wishing to have a lookalike, I have to admit that she resembles her daddy better than her mommy. But to be on the safer side, daddy loves to say that it is a combination ( of course la kan tepuk sebelah tgn x bunyik. Haha). She loves being with her daddy. Nk susu je cari mommy. Ish ish. Gelak mengekek2 ngn daddy. Guess mommy is not fun enough. Hahaha.
5. She has started to move in her sleep. It is common nowadays for her to wake up without pillow on n the position has also changed from horizontal jd vertical. And there was this one night I was awaken by a painful kick from her on my tummy. At first I thought I was dreaming. Skt gile kot. I woke up just to notice that die da tido melintang n that was her kaki yg kicked me. Ikut sapa la ni. Mommy tido behave je tau.
7. She has started to react to sounds. Mcm bz body pun ade. Hehe. Whenever I am breast feeding her, and suddenly her daddy coughed, haa siap stop minum n nak usha.
8. Clearly she has started to understand her mommy better. She does cooperate with me whenever I tell her that I need to do laundry, take my shower n even perform my prayers. Usually I would put her on the bed with the door of the bathroom open to monitor her while doing my activities. And for solat, I would out her on the praying mat next to me. So far so good. Bole la solat dgn tenang. Sometimes, when dia tgh tantrums, I will talk to her nicely, ckp mommy has to pray. Mommy nk doa dkt Allah. Dia sengih2 mcm laa phm kan. But seriously it works for me.
9. She dislikes strong wind. Last week, the weather was not stable. Kejap pns and then sejuk. So we opted to bring her out to feel the cold weather. Boy, it was a wrong decision as she really hates it. She was cranky during dinner n cried her heart out. As usual mommy daddy pun x feeling comfortable coz we afraid that some pplmight feel offended with her loud voice kan. Mkn cpt2 n off we went back. Drama queen sungguh. Balik bilik ok jeeee. Hadoii.
8.she dislikes darkness. We have concluded that she x suka dark environment. We attempted to bring her to enjoy the dancing fountain show at Al Majaz Waterfront ( mommydaddy yg nk tgk jgk act. Hee) and guess what she cried n cried out loud! I tried to coax her with my b***s pun gagal. Xdapekla ber fountain show heheh.
Fuhh da panjang lah.
Till then.