Friday, March 28, 2014

4th month birthday

Alhamdulillah Nuha Zareera is 4months young today. One easy baby, she is. (Mak mstla puji anak dia dark??hehe). Her milestones:
1. She could respond when we call her by names. Smiling all the way la biasenye.

2. She loves babbling in her own language.

3. She really knows how to make faces. Ni sah ikut talent mommy. For instance, whenever she's not in her mood for pictures-snapping-sessions, mmg terserlah la muke mls nk cooperate. Attitude sgt muke tu nak oii. Gigit peha KFC br tau!

4. She is definitely a daddy's girl. As much as I am hoping n wishing to have a lookalike, I have to admit that she resembles her daddy better than her mommy. But to be on the safer side, daddy loves to say that it is a combination ( of course la kan tepuk sebelah tgn x bunyik. Haha). She loves being with her daddy. Nk susu je cari mommy. Ish ish. Gelak mengekek2 ngn daddy. Guess mommy is not fun enough. Hahaha. 
5. She has started to move in her sleep. It is common nowadays for her to wake up without pillow on n the position has also changed from horizontal jd vertical. And there was this one night I was awaken by  a painful kick from her on my tummy. At first I thought I was dreaming. Skt gile kot. I woke up just to notice that die da tido melintang n that was her kaki yg kicked me. Ikut sapa la ni. Mommy tido behave je tau.
6. attempted nk turn but not yet successful. It's ok darling. Take your time. No worries k. 

7. She has started to react to sounds. Mcm bz body pun ade. Hehe. Whenever I am breast feeding her, and suddenly her daddy coughed, haa siap stop minum n nak usha. 

8. Clearly she has started to understand her mommy better. She does cooperate with me whenever I tell her that I need to do laundry, take my shower n even perform my prayers. Usually I would put her on the bed with the door of the bathroom open to monitor her while doing my activities. And for solat, I would out her on the praying mat next to me. So far so good. Bole la solat dgn tenang. Sometimes, when dia tgh tantrums, I will talk to her nicely, ckp mommy has to pray. Mommy nk doa dkt Allah. Dia sengih2 mcm laa phm kan. But seriously it works for me.

9. She dislikes strong wind. Last week, the weather was not stable. Kejap pns and then sejuk. So we opted to bring her out to feel the cold weather. Boy, it was a wrong decision as she really hates it. She was cranky during dinner n cried her heart out. As usual mommy daddy pun x feeling comfortable coz we afraid that some pplmight feel offended with her loud voice kan. Mkn cpt2 n off we went back. Drama queen sungguh. Balik bilik ok jeeee. Hadoii. 

8.she dislikes darkness. We have concluded that she x suka dark environment. We attempted to bring her to enjoy the dancing fountain show at Al Majaz Waterfront ( mommydaddy yg nk tgk jgk act. Hee) and guess what she cried n cried out loud! I tried to coax her with my b***s pun gagal.  Xdapekla ber fountain show heheh. 

Fuhh da panjang lah. 


Till then.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Starting young

NuhaZareera at 3months and half! Love u lil munchkin. Funny thing , I whatsapp-ed this pic to my Aunty in KB. And guess what her response was " oh bijok dr kakchik ni" insyaAllah. I started reading newspaper at the age of 4 and I'm hoping that Nuha will be able to achieve the same thing ( reading at the age of 4) or maybe earlier. Sounds awesome! Hehehe. InsyaAllah. Nothing is impossible unless we make it impossible. And yeah can't wait for tomorrow to end coz that means it's weekends again- quality time with hubby dearest and darling Nuha of course! Will b celebrating her 4th month bday this Friday! Duhh time does fly. Till then. Daaa

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Allahuakbar! That was the first word that came out from my mouth upon hearing. err reading the newsfeed on fb regarding the press conference by our PM. It was announced that the plane ended in Indian Ocean, Western Australia and sad to say, there were no survivors. I've got goosebumps all over my body and my mind just could not function thinking about it. That was not what I have been wanting to hear. Seriously. Deep inside I've been hoping that it was a hijack and that all the passengers n crew on board the flight will be found safe n sound. I've been telling myself that hence I did not quite worry about the incident. I believe the plane is somewhere waiting for the right time to be exposed. MasyaAllah. Allah Maha Kaya Maha Besar. Only He knows what has happened to the flight and its passengers. Al fatihah and RIP MH370. My love, thought and prayer goes to them. Amin.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Diapers Review

NuhaZareera has been a loyal user of MamyPoko tape diapers since she was born. I don't have any problems with the diaper. In fact, I'm loving it as it does not give any headaches at all. Most importantly it does not give my baby's bum any red marks or itchiness and the absorption level is equally good. There were 2 times that we encountered leakage of her diaper but that was truly our fault. One time it was me who carelessly sealed the tape loose and another time was the diarrhea that caused her to poop like A LOT! Other than that, it works like a charm to me and of course, my baby. Alhamdulillah. My nightmare began when it was time to replenish her stock of diapers. Seriously I have no idea that MamyPoko is not sold in the entire UAE. My bad. I didn't do my research and I thought it is sold worldwide. Therefore, we decided to try a small pack of Pampers for ActiveBaby as a start. For the first one week, it worked just fine and I kinda love the colourful patterns they have and on top of that it is said to have this aloe Vera thingy and oh I'm bought! Haha. So we bought a large pack of 88 pieces later just to find that my baby is not coping well with it. She started to develop the red marks on her bum and I know for sure it's the diaper rashes. FYI,I have been religiously applying the Earth Mama Angel Baby Bottom Balm every nappy change hoping that it will subside but I'm surprised that it did not want to go away. There goes my miracle jar! Thank God I still have the MamyPoko pull up pants that I plan to use when she starts crawling so I used them on her. I could see it's improving. Alhamdulillah. Then I read on the internet that there was one mother who applied bedak every time she changes her baby's diaper so I attempted. and guess what, after a day using the method of applying the powder n of course the angel baby bottom balm; the rash seems to disappear. Alhamdulillah. Dgn izin Allah, both products work well for me. I'm a happy mommy. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Sleeping habits

Ever since we came back for good from Jakarta to KL (for one month holiday), I could say that NZ's sleeping pattern has gone haywire. During the first two weeks I guess it was still ok but the following weeks was not convincing. This was definitely due to our neverending outings during day n night time. Nevertheless we had to oblige to family commitments, meetings friends, relatives and whatnots. I was ok as I guess that would be her very first meeting with everyone so why not. We can always readjust her sleeping patterns later. And guess what the haywire-ness continues here; in Sharjah. There were nights where she slept at 8pm, woke up at 10 and it took her 2hours plus to get back to sleep. The following night she woke up at 11 and slept at 1.15 am. Oh dear. To me yg jarang berjaga unless for feeding time, it was horrible. I was super sleepy but of course nk let her play alone mcm kesian; nk kejut DH lgla nonsense as he needed to wake up for work some more. So I gagahkan diri jgk ( smbil terlelap few times) to accompany her while hoping that she got sleepy soon.he he. But come to think of it, I guess I am fortunate bcoz there r mothers who need to stay up w their babies at night. Alhamdulillah for that. Br 2 mlm da kecoh . Heh. And now I'm trying to re-establish her sleeping patterns. By 10pm, I will bring her in the bedroom, play n talk w her n offer her my b***s n teman her to sleep. Alhamdulillah so far nampak ade sinar2 kejayaan Di situ. Hehe. Hopefully it lasts. Amin. InsyaAllah 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

of Nuha Zareera

Alhamdulillah praise to Allah that my little one is approaching her 4th month in a week time. Syukur Ya Allah for granting and permitting me to experience the wonders of being a mom. I must say that babies do grow quickly that whenever I browse through her pictures since her Day 1 of life, it brings tears to my eyes. Allah's creation is amazing. MasyaAllah. So far I am enjoying my life as SAHM so much. It allows me to spend my days observing how my baby grows, witness her developments and achievements and whatnots. Alhamdulillah she is still exclusively breastfed; to be precise direct fed. hehe. Tried to introduce her to bottle but I cannot tahan seeing her drinking from bottle that I choose not to continue. hehe. clingy mommy I am. So far, her developments are at par with her age ( I frequently refer to for this). She smiles, giggles and laughs a lot. Her head is stronger and she loves to be in upright position rather than baring2. She also loves to talk (in her own language) and definitely loves listening to her mommy doing the talking business. haha. Attempted to turn on her own already. Clap!Clap!Clap! And of course she has gained kilos ever since she was brought into this wide world. So lenguh to carry her around for a long period of time. Nevertheless, that surely does not stop me from carrying her around and seriously I am not surprised if I were to build muscles later. hehe. Mommy's arms mmg sedia gemuk. lagilaa ade muscle kan. takpela. anything for u anak. hehe. to end this post. sila layan pics my lil angel, Nuha Zareera @NZ
 3 months plus
3 months plus
3 months plus

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March already?

Well. i am not surprised. I am so bad at maintaining blog. really i am. This is my hmm  4th,5th?(lost count) times of having a blog but it is unfortunate that it results to the same outcome. haha. Oh nway. I have few things to share. First and foremost, my nuha zareera is now 3months and half young. She has grown so well that i could not believe she was that lilttle petite girl that i first met on 28th nov 2013. She really keeps me occupied and i just cant get enough of her. Such a great gift from Allah to us. Alhamdulillah.

Secondly, we are no longer in Jakarta. DH officially ended his contract term there last February.

Thirdly, we are currently in Sharjah, UAE! The details will follow soon. Hopefully. heheh