Tuesday, November 8, 2011

salam aidiladha

Salam Aidiladha to everyone. I am back at work after a short break for hari raya. Celebrated (the most accurate one is spent) my break at in laws place this yr as aidilfitri was celebrated (happily) at my hometown. speaking of being fair and square. spent time marking the students' assignments and keying in the marks. so, mission accomplished successfully. alhamdulillah for that. and also, Aunt Flo came visit on Saturday, 2 days earlier than the expected date as not to give me hope that i am pregnant. failed for this cycle tho i suspected(which is not pon anyways) that i was pregnant. false alarm again this time around. its okay. lets not give up. keep on trying. husband is fine with whatever outcome as he always says that he pon tak puas jalan2 lagi with me and while shower-ing, i asked him, "what if i cannot get pregnant, will you marry another woman?" confidently he said, ":no of course. unless la we are not normal and u r not able to provide me that (s**) as long as we are like this, i am okay". he continued," let say kite tak dpt anak, kite lari pegi overseas kay" "Nak!!" i answered. hehe. see told ya, i have the bestest husband in the world. Alhamdulillah. :)) 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

happy birthday husband!

happy birthday to my dearest husband who turned 28 yesterday. I wish you all the very best in life. May Allah grant you with long life, absolute happiness and most importantly rezeki yang halal. Semoga b menjadi orang kaya yang beriman. Thanks for being with me through thick and thin, for standing strong with me no matter what and for everything you have done and will do in future. we celebrated his birthday at Tony Roma's Yap Kwan Seng,KL. food was good as usual and we failed to finish all and had to tapau the food home. and that shall be our dinner for tonight. hehehe. speaking of tak elok membazir. hehehehe

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

of food and more food

Alhamdulillah, we successfully had our post-raya makan makan event at our humble crib last Saturday, 1st of Oct 2011. We invited the relatives as well as some close friends. We didn't invite a lot of guests as we decided to give it a try first since this was the first time we had to handle the quite big event ourselves. up above are some of the photos of the food during the event. the first two were prepared by me. all gone. yours truly got the chance to rase satu suap jek. haruss buat lagi. hehe. as for the main course, both soto and satay were bought and only bolognaise spaghetti was cooked by yours truly. once again, alhamdulillah food was enough and tak membazir.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

of babies and such

we are one year and 3 months this month. it is undeniable that most people around us have started asking their favorite question to us as such "bile lagi  nie?" "tak teringin ke?" "planning ke?" and the list goes. i would lie if i were to say that this thing never crosses our mind. yes, we did, and we do discuss about this matter sometimes. surrounded by people who are easily pregnant never makes the situation any better. the thot of having at least a baby always comes across my mind. but i do believe that God knows best. like my husband always tells me " Allah is kind and definitely he will not let us down because our aim is to increase the number of ummah; that is one of the reasons why marriage is encouraged among us"

I cried when I got my menses yesterday. It was an emotional night for me last night. Thank God my husband was around to comfort me. He kept telling me to be relax, to enjoy the moment of being together. He did not like me crying because of that coz I know he strongly believe that the "rezeki" is not being determined by us. It's all Allah's work. I became better after that. Later that night, we watched SATC 2 and there was also part in the movie whereby the two ladies made a revelation about their life being mothers; where sometimes they felt like taking a break from taking care of the kids and the fact that their kids are driving them crazy some times worsen the situation. so i thought, maybe Allah is giving me times to learn and get the exposure first because being mother is never an easy task. So InsyaAllah, whenever the time is right, I believe that I will be a mother to my kids. Amin :)

miss G in the house

will be reaching soon. thanks to my bestie for the trouble looking for this miss G for me. and i thank Allah for the most wonderful husband anyone has ever wished for. double yay!

of hari raya 2011

This is my fifth attempt to write a blog actually. Yes, as usual with the hope that it will remain for quite some time. :) Let's pray for that. Well, Hari Raya was just over but i hope it's not too late to wish every one Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin. My raya was great. Alhamdulillah. We managed to celebrate the eve at both sides this year. And i thank Allah for all the rezeki we got that we were able to upgrade the amount of duet raya to our parents and siblings. and definitely, i cant thank my husband enough for all the luxury that i have. if it is not for him, i dont think i will be able to have all that i have now.Alhamdulillah :)