Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I miss Malaysian food

Yes. Like REALLY. I have been in Jakarta for a month and half now and I guess I am missing Malaysian food so much! And it does not help at all when my Instagram is flooded with foodie pictures. :(((( They are so mean and once I had once thought that I should delete the app for the fear of I will go crazy thinking and imagining about how good the food tastes and bla bla bla. I am not a fussy eater and I seriously can eat Indonesian food but I guess its the gene in me. and right now, I am thinking of Nasi Ulam  Cikgu back in KB. I can eat this everyday. Oh my, it is really good. I cant wait to go back to KL this June and to indulge myself with the long list of food. :)))

P/S: I shall start listing down all the food now and plan our itinerary ASAP. :P
picture credit to here

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

of 13th April

Alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah for another wonderful year. This year marks the very final year of me being 20s. Oh my. I cant believe that this is happening so soon. This is like way too fast, man! haha. Anyway, thank you everyone for the wishes on FB, whatsapp, wechat, text msgs, calls and etc. You guys really made my day. I am hoping for a better year this year and my wishes are to be a better wife, a better daughter and a better muslim. InsyaAllah.